GPS Ticketing Solution

#Wi-Fi #GPS 





GPS tracking is the surveillance of location through use of the Global Positioning System (GPS ) to track the location of an entity or object remotely. The technology can pinpoint longitude, latitude, ground speed, and course direction of the target.

The GPS is a "constellation" of 24 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location. The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most equipment. Accuracy can be pinpointed to within one meter with special military-approved equipment. GPS equipment is widely used in science and has now become sufficiently low-cost so that almost anyone can own a GPS and many do in a smartphone, tablet or GPS navigation device.

GPS Ticketing System works by using GPS technology to track the location of a vehicle in real-time. The system collects data from the GPS device installed in the vehicle and sends it to a central server. The data is then processed and analyzed by the software to provide businesses with real-time information about their fleet, such as location, speed, and route information.




Improved Efficiency 

  • GPS Ticketing System helps businesses to optimize their fleet operations by providing real-time information about the location and status of their vehicles. This helps businesses to reduce fuel consumption, improve route planning, and optimize the use of their vehicles.

Cost Savings 

  • GPS Ticketing System can help businesses to reduce their operating costs by providing real-time information about their fleet. This helps businesses to reduce fuel consumption, improve maintenance schedules, and optimize the use of their resources.

Increased Safety 

  • GPS Ticketing System helps businesses to improve the safety of their vehicles and reduce the risk of accidents. The system provides real-time information about the location and status of the vehicles, enabling businesses to monitor driver behavior and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Enhanced Customer Service 

  • GPS Ticketing System helps businesses to provide better customer service by providing real-time information about the location and status of their vehicles. This enables businesses to provide accurate delivery times and improve communication with customers.

Better Asset Management

  • GPS Ticketing System helps businesses to improve their asset management by providing real-time information about the location and status of their vehicles. This enables businesses to track the usage of their vehicles, monitor maintenance schedules, and optimize the use of their resources.